Benefits of Medical Marijuana for Epileptic Patients


Medical marijuana, like our medicinal cannabis in Mt. Vernon, OH, is popularly used to treat symptoms of epilepsy and reduce the risk of seizures.

Although medical marijuana may not help all types of epilepsy, in many cases, patients report the following benefits of using medical marijuana to help support health care treatment for epilepsy:

  • It Can Help Address Seizures
    Many studies show that medical marijuana can help reduce seizures in specific groups of patients who do not respond well to conventional antiepileptic drugs. Treatments like our medical marijuana treatment in Ohiocan also help patients with their health-related anxiety and chronic pain.
  • Side-Effects Are Typically Minimal
    Like many treatments, patients can expect a few side effects from medication, including medical marijuana. The main difference is that the side effects of medical marijuana are well-documented and typically minimal. Common side effects include dry mouth, light-headedness, and drowsiness.
  • Medical Marijuana Has Multiple Modes of Administration
    Ease of administration is one of the benefits of medical marijuana for epileptic patients. They can take it through inhalation, rubbing oils, edibles, and more.

We offer medical marijuana and pain medications in Bellefontaine, Ohio, to help address various health issues like chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia, and more.

For more information about our natural medicine in Columbus, Ohio, you can call Marijuana Card Ohio at 614-940-9431.


Blogs, content and other media uploaded online are for informational purposes only. Contents on this website should not be considered medical advice. Readers are strongly encouraged to visit their physician for health-related issues.

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